Curriculum Vitae [abridged]
Call and Response: Art as Resistance, Photographic Center Northwest, Seattle, WA
Resistance Culture, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA
Winter Solstice Show, Griffin Museum of Photography, Winchester, MA
Inventory of Reverie: 5 Women Photographers, Hess Gallery, Pine Manor College, Chestnut Hill, MA
Coming of Age: Artists Under 30, Sharon Arts Center, New Hampshire Institute of Art, Peterborough, NH
Works by Sarah Belclaire, Fenwick Music Library, Worcester, MA *solo
What I Did on My Summer Vacation, Panopticon Gallery, Boston, MA
​Mysterious Visions: Dreams, Fantasies and Mirages, PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury, VT
This Narrow Distance, Krikorian Gallery, Worcester Center for Crafts, Worcester, MA
Filter Photo Festival, Filter: Unfiltered Projection Exhibition, Bridgeport, IL

High Tails, Capricious Pubishing, 2014
Goddesses, self published (limited), 2013

Vogue Italia
Strange Fire Collective
What Will You Remember?
Amy Poehler's Smart Girls, Smart Girls at the Party
PH Magazine
F-Stop Magazine


Elin Spring, "Inventory of Reverie," What Will You Remember?, 21-Oct-2015
Brian Goslow, "An Inventory of Reverie," Artscope, Sept/Oct 2015, in print and online
Suzi Grossman, "Winter @ The Nave Annex," Suzi Looks At Art, 22-Jul-2014
Chronicle, WCVB Channel 5 Boston, 18-Sep-2013
Brian Goslow, "This Narrow Distance," Artscope, Jan/Feb 2013
Jeffrey Starr, "Worcester Photo Exhibit Captures Drama of Individual Lives," GoLocal Worcester,14-Jan-2013

Top Placeholder, Photo Nights Boston Photorama.
Honorable Mention, Photo Nights Boston Photorama.
2x Photographer's Forum Best of College Photography finalist